Arabic-English dictionary »

كُس meaning in English

كُس m


pussyslang: female genitalia

كُسَاح m


ricketsdisorder of infancy

كُسُور m-p

fractionarithmetic: ratio

كُسُوف m

eclipsepassage of a planetary object between others

كُسُوف اَلشَّمْس m

solar eclipsewhen the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun

كُسْب m

oil cakesolid residue

كُسْبَة f

oil cakesolid residue

كُسْبَر m

coriander''Coriandrum sativum'' plant

كُسْبَرَة f

coriander''Coriandrum sativum'' plant

كُسْكُس m

couscouspasta of North African origin