Arabic-English dictionary »

كُرَة meaning in English

كُرَة f

ballobject, generally spherical, used for playing games

ballsolid or hollow sphere

spheremathematics: regular three-dimensional object

كُرَة أَرْضِيَّة f

globemodel of Earth

كُرَة الشَّبَكَة f

netballteam sport derived from basketball

كُرَة الْقَدَم الْأَمْرِيكِيَّة

American footballAmerican football

كُرَة اَلتَّحْطِيم

wrecking ballheavy steel ball used for demolition

كُرَة اَلثَّلْج f

snowballball of snow

كُرَة اَلسَّلَّة f

basketballthe ball used in the sport

basketballthe sport

كُرَة اَلْقَدَم f

footballassociation football


كُرَة بِلَّوْرِيَّة f

crystal ballglobe used to foretell the future

كُرَة طَائِرَة شَاطِئِيَّة

beach volleyballsport

كُرَة طَاوِلَة f

table tennisgame similar to tennis

كُرَة قَدَم شَاطِئِيَّة f

beach soccervariant of soccer

كُرَة نَارِيَّة f

fireballa ball of fire

كُرَة يَد f

handballteam sport

كُرَةُ المَضْرِب f

tennissport played by two or four players with strung racquets

كُرَةُ المِضْرَب f

tennissport played by two or four players with strung racquets

كُرَةُ اْلصَالَةِ

futsalform of soccer

الكُرَةُ اَلْطَّائِرَة f


لَاعِب كُرَة سَلَّة m

basketball playerperson who plays basketball

مَلْعَب كُرَة قَدَم m

groundfootball stadium

نِصْف اَلْكُرَة الْأَرْضِيَّة الجَنُوبِيّ m

Southern Hemispherehemisphere to the south of its equator

نِصْف اَلْكُرَة الْأَرْضِيَّة الشَّمَالِيّ m

Northern Hemispherehemisphere to the north of its equator

نِصْف كُرَة m

hemisphereany half-sphere

hemispherehalf of the Earth