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كَاب meaning in English

كَاب فِيرْدِي m

Cape Verdecountry in Western Africa

كَابُتْشِينُو m

cappuccinoItalian coffee-based beverage made from espresso to which milk which has been steamed and/or frothed is added

كَابُل f

Kabulcapital and largest city of Afghanistan

كَابُوتُو m

kabutotraditional Japanese military helmet

كَابُوس m

incubusan evil spirit


كَابُوكِي m

kabukiform of Japanese theatre

كَابُّتْشِينُو m

cappuccinoItalian coffee-based beverage made from espresso to which milk which has been steamed and/or frothed is added

كَابِيتُول الوِلَايَات المُتَّحِدَة m

Capitollegislative building in Washington, D.C.

كَابِيتُول هِيل m

Capitol Hillthe hill in Washington, DC

كَابِينَة f

boothan enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person

كَابْل m

cableassembly of wires for electricity

دَوَّاسَةُ المَكَابِح f

brake pedalthe pedal in a vehicle which operates the brakes

رِكَاب m

stirrupfootrest used by riders

مَكَابِيّ m


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