Arabic-English dictionary »

قَرْن meaning in English

قَرْن m

centuryperiod of 100 years

horngrowth on the heads of certain animals

shoehorntool used to assist the foot

قَرْنَبِيط m

caulifloweredible head of a cauliflower plant


قَرْنِيَّة f

cornealayer forming the front of the eye

الْقَرْن الذَّهَبِي m

Golden Hornwaterway and inlet

اَلْقَرْنُ الْأَفْرِيقِيّ m

Horn of Africapeninsula in East Africa

ذُو الْقَرْنَيْن m


قُبَّعَة ذَات قَرْنَيْن f

bicorntwo-cornered hat


muqarnastype of corbel

مُنْعَطَفُ الْقَرْنِ

turn of the centurybeginning or end of a certain century

وَحِيد القَرْن m

unicornmythical beast

وَحِيد اَلْقَرْن m

rhinocerosherbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)