Arabic-English dictionary »

فَاي meaning in English

فَاي m

phiGreek letter

فَايْرْوَايْر m

firewirea high speed digital link standard, IEEE 1394-1995

فَايْرْوُول m

firewallcomputer software

فَايْسْبُوك m

Facebooksocial-networking website

Facebooksocial-networking website

إِيدِلْفَايْس f

edelweiss''Leontopodium alpinum''

حَاوِيَة نُفَايَات f

garbage canwaste receptacle

مِصْفَايَة m

filterdevice for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance

مِيل فَاي m

mille-feuillea type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry

نُفَايَات p

garbagewaste material

trashthings to be discarded

نُفَايَة f

dumpa place where waste or garbage is left

نُوفَايَا زِيمْلْيَا f

Novaya Zemlyaarchipelago in Russia

وَاي فَاي m

Wi-Ficomputing: wireless data communication standard