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ع meaning in English

عَائِلَة مَلِكِيَّة f

royal familyfamily of the ruling sovereign of a country or state


familialof or pertaining to a human family

عَابِد m

worshipperperson who worships

عَابِدُ شَمْسٍ m

sun worshipperworshipper of the Sun

عَابِر m

transgenderof a person: transgressing or not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles and categories of male or female

عَابِرَة f

transgenderof a person: transgressing or not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles and categories of male or female

عَاج m



helplessunable to defend oneself|defenseless

powerlesslacking sufficient power or strength

unablenot able

عَاجِز m

incapablenot being capable

عَاجِلاً أَم آجِلاً

sooner or laterset phrase; eventually

عَاجِلاً أَو آجِلاً

sooner or laterset phrase; eventually


fastwith great speed|id=quickly

quicklyrapidly, fast


come back(''intransitive'') To return to a place

returnto come or go back

عَادَات اَلْأَكْل f

eating habitregular consumption of certain foods

عَادَة f

customfrequent repetition of the same act

habitan action done on a regular basis

عَادَة سِرِّيَّة f

masturbationmanual erotic stimulation of the genitals


commonlyas a rule; usually

customarilyin the customary way

habituallyoccurring regularly or usually

normallyunder normal conditions or circumstances; usually; most of the time

usuallymost of the time



normalaccording to norms or rules

normalusual, ordinary

ordinarynormal, routine

regularhaving a constant pattern

regularhaving expected characteristics

usualmost commonly occurring

عَار m

disgracecondition of being out of favor

shamereproach incurred or suffered; dishonour; ignominy; derision

عَارٌ عَلَيْكَ

shame on youexpression of disapproval


nakedbare, not covered by clothing

nudewithout clothing or other covering


opposeto attempt to stop the progression of; to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc.


fight(intransitive) to contend in physical conflict