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عِيد meaning in English

عِيد m

EidMuslim religious festival

festivalevent or community gathering

holidayday on which a festival, religious event, or national celebration is traditionally observed

عِيد الرَّبِيع

Chinese New YearChinese New Year

Lunar New YearLunar New Year

عِيد السُّكَّر

PurimJewish festival

عِيد الفُور

PurimJewish festival

عِيد الْفِطْر m

Eid al-Fitrreligious celebration

عِيد الْمَسَاخِر

PurimJewish festival

عِيد الْمِيلَاد m

Christmasfestival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 in most places

عِيد اَلشُّكْر m

ThanksgivingThanksgiving Day

عِيد اَلنَّصْر m

Victory Daya day to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history

عِيد اَلْأَضْحَى m

Eid al-AdhaIslamic festival

عِيد اَلْأُمّ m

Mother's Daya day in honor of one's mother or all mothers, on whichever day

عِيد اَلْحُبّ m

Saint Valentine's DaySaint Valentine's Day

عِيد اَلْغِطَاس m

Epiphanyannual Christian feast celebrating this event

عِيد اَلْفِصْح m

EasterChristian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Passoverthe one-day or multi-day biblical or Jewish festival

عِيد اَلْفِصْح اَلْيَهُودِيّ m

Passoverthe one-day or multi-day biblical or Jewish festival

عِيد اَلْكَبِير m

Eid al-AdhaIslamic festival

عِيد سَنَوِيّ m

anniversaryday an exact number of years since an event

عِيد مِيلَاد m


عِيد مِيلَاد سَعِيد

happy birthdaygood wishes for a birthday

عِيدُ الْأَب m

Father's Dayholiday in celebration of fatherhood

عِيدُ جَمِيعِ القِدِّيسِين

HalloweenOctober 31st

اَلْعِيد اَلْكَبِير

EasterChristian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ


distantfar off


remoteat a distance


awayfrom a place; hence

بَعِيدًا عَنّ

aloofat or from a distance

بَيْضَة عِيد اَلْفِصْح f

Easter egga dyed or decorated egg

بُورْ سَعِيد f

Port Saidcity in Egypt

بُورْسَعِيد f

Port Saidcity in Egypt

بِطَاقَة عِيد اَلْمِيلَاد f

Christmas cardgreeting card that celebrates Christmas

تَبْعِيد m

exilethe state of being banished from one's home or country

تَرْنِيمة عِيد اَلْمِيلَاد f

Christmas carolhymn whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas

تَصْعِيد m

escalationa deliberate or premeditated increase in the violence or geographic scope of a conflict

جَدْوَل مَوَاعِيد m

schedulea procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur

timetablea structured schedule of events