Arabic-English dictionary »

عَكْس meaning in English

عَكْس m

antonymword which has the opposite meaning

reflectionact of reflecting; the state of being reflected

عَكْس ذٰلِك

otherwisein all other respects

اشْتِقَاق عَكْسِيّ m

back-formationlinguistic process

الْعَكْس بِالْعَكْس

vice versathe other way round

الْعَكْس صَحِيح

vice versathe other way round


on the contraryopposite

رِيَاح عَكْسِيَّة f

headwindwind that blows directly against the course of a vessel

عَلَى العَكْس

oppositein an opposite position

عَلَى الْعَكْس

on the contraryopposite

عَلَى اَلْعَكْس

contracontrary to something

versuscompared with

عَلَى عَكْس

unlikedifferently from

مُشْتَقَّة عَكْسِيًّا f

back-formationword formed by this linguistic process

نَتَائِج عَكْسِيَّة

counterproductivemore of a hindrance than a help