Arabic-English dictionary »

عَامّ meaning in English


generalinvolving every part or member, not specific or particular

generalnot limited in application; applicable to a whole class or category

publicpertaining to people as a whole, as opposed to a group of people

النَّفِير الْعَامّ m

mobilizationmarshalling of troops and national resources in preparation for war

حَاكِم عَامّ m

governor generalgovernor or viceroy possessing some military authority

governor generalrepresentative of the monarch

حَمَّام عَامّ m

Turkish bathestablishment

رَأْي عَامّ m

public opinionopinion of the public

طَرِيق عَامّ m

highwaymain public road

نَائِب عَامّ m

attorney generalmajor government officer