Arabic-English dictionary »

عال meaning in English


highelevated; tall


loudof a sound

عالم m

worldthe universe

عالم مفتوح

open worldgameworld that the player may traverse freely

عالي m

Elimale given name

الحرب العالمية الرابعة f

World War IVhypothetical world war (World War IV)

السلام عليكم يا عالم

Hello WorldHello World


healerperson who heals

بليعال m

Beliala wicked demon in Christian and Jewish apocrypha

خَرِيطَةُ عالم الْعَالَمِ

world mapmap of a world

درجة حرارة الاشتعال الذاتي

autoignition temperaturelowest temperature of spontaneous combustion

ذو نوع راقي وعالي

classyof a superior type


remediationaction or process to remedy a situation

معالجَة البيانات

data processingoperations on data

وحدَة المعالجَة المَرْكَزِيَّة f

central processing unitpart of a computer