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ط meaning in English

طَرِيق رَئِيسِيّ m

main roadmajor road in a town, village etc.

طَرِيق رُومَانِيَّة f

Roman roadroad built by the Romans

طَرِيق سَرِيع m

motorwayhighway designed for high-speed motor-traffic

طَرِيق عَامّ m

highwaymain public road

طَرِيق غَيْر نَافِذ m

dead endstreet or path that goes nowhere

طَرِيق فَرْعِيّ

peri-urbanimmediately adjoining an urban area

طَرِيق مَسْدُود m

dead endposition that offers no hope of progress

dead endstreet or path that goes nowhere

stalemateblocked situation without personal loss

طَرِيقَة f

approachmanner of making (a policy) or solving (a problem, etc.)

mannerway of performing or effecting; method or style

methodprocess by which a task is completed

waymethod or manner

طَرِيقَة سُقْرَاطَ f

Socratic method

طَرِيقَة فِي حَيَاة f

lifestylestyle of living

livingstyle of life

way of lifestyle of living

طَرْبُوش m

feztype of hat

طَرْح m


طَرْخَشْقُون m

dandelionplant, wild flower of the genus ''Taraxacum''

طَرْخُون m

tarragonperennial herb ''Artemisia dracunculus''

tarragonthe leaves of ''Artemisia dracunculus''

طَرْد m

deportationact of deporting or exiling

evictionthe act of evicting

packagesomething which is packed

parcelpackage wrapped for shipment

طَرْد مَرْكَزِيّ m

centrifugedevice for separation of substances


Tartusa city in Syria

طَرْفَاء f

tamariskshrub of the genus ''Tamarix''


flickera short moment

طَرْقِنْطِيَة f

dragonwort''Dracunculus vulgaris''

طَرْكُونَة f

Tarragonacity and port

طَشْت f

basinwide bowl for washing

طَشْقَنْد f

Tashkentcapital of Uzbekistan

طَشْكَنْد f

Tashkentcapital of Uzbekistan

طَعَام m

dishspecific type of food

farefood and drink

foodany substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life

طَعَام الْأَرْنَب m


طَعَام الْبَحْر m

seafoodfish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life