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صِيغَة meaning in English

صِيغَة f

formulain chemistry

formulain mathematics

tenseverb forms distinguishing time

صِيغَة أُويْلِر f

Euler's formulaEuler's formula

صِيغَة اَلْمُفْرَد f

singulargrammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing

صِيغَة فِعْل m

gerundverb form functioning as a verbal noun

صِيغَة مَجْهُول f

passive voicegrammatical term

صِيغَة مَعْلُوم f

active voicethe form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action

صِيغَةُ الْفِعْل f

tenseverb forms distinguishing time

صِيغَةُ اْلتَمَلُكِ

possessivegrammar: indicating possession