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صَوْت meaning in English

صَوْت m

soundsensation perceived by the ear

voteformalised choice

صَوْت اِحْتِكَاكِي


صَوْت اِنْفِجَارِي m


صَوْت رَخْو


صَوْت عَالٍ m

sonic boomthe audible effect of a shock wave in the air

صَوْت لُغَوِيّ m

phonemeindivisible unit of sound

صَوْتِيَات p

phoneticsstudy of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols


acousticpertaining to hearing or the science of sounds

sonicof or relating to sound

vocalof or pertaining to the voice or speech

أَحْبَال صَوْتِيَّة f-p

vocal cordsfolds of tissue

أَصَمّ لِلطَّبَقَات الصَوْتِيَّة

tone-deafunable to distinguish differences in pitch

اَوْتَار صَوْتِيَّة f-p

vocal cordsfolds of tissue

بَرِيد صَوْتِيّ m


بِصَوْت عَالٍ

loudlyin a loud manner

تَوَافُق صَوْتِيّ

vowel harmonyphonological process

رِسَالَة صَوْتِيَّة f

voice messagemessage left on a voice mail system

غِيتَار صَوْتِيّ f

acoustic guitarhollow-body guitar

مَوْجَة صَوْتِيَّة f

sound wavelongitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material

مُحَاكَاة صَوْتِيَّة f

onomatopoeiaproperty of a word that sounds like what it represents

مُكَبِّر صَوْت m

megaphoneportable device used to amplify a person's voice

مُهَنْدِس صَوْت

sound engineerone who practices sound engineering