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شَخْصِيَّة meaning in English

شَخْصِيَّة f

characterbeing in a story

personalityset of qualities that make a person distinct from other people

اِغْتِيَال شَخْصِيَّة m

character assassinationmalicious discourse designed to damage someone's reputation

عِبَادَة شَخْصِيَّة f

cult of personalitysituation of being falsely idolized

لَهْجَةٌ شَخْصِيَّة f

idiolectvariant of a language used by a particular individual

مَكْتَبَة شَخْصِيَّة

rackseries of shelves

نَظَافَة شَخْصِيَّة

personal hygienepersonal hygiene