Arabic-English dictionary »

شَاي meaning in English

شَاي أَبْيَض m

white teadrink made with water and leaves

شَاي أَسْوَد m

black teatea leaves which have been "fermented"

شَاي أَصْفَر m

yellow teaChinese drink

شَاي مُثْلِج m

iced teacold tea

شَايُوت m


شَايْ أَخْضَر m

green teadrink

green tealeaves



تْشَايْنَاتَاوْن m

Chinatowna Chinese district outside China

خْشَايَارْشَا m

XerxesXerxes I of Persia

دَار شَاي f

teahousea cafe that sells tea

صَالَة شَاي f

teahousea cafe that sells tea

يُورْكْشَايْر m

Yorkshireformer large county