Arabic-English dictionary »

شم meaning in English

شمال هولندا f

North Hollandprovince of the Netherlands

شمال يوركشاير m

North Yorkshirecounty

باز شمالي

northern goshawk''Accipiter gentilis''

بلبول شمالي

northern pintail''Anas acuta''

حرق الشمعة من كلتا الجِهَتَين

burn the candle at both endswork hard night and day

خطل شمي

parosmiadistorted sense of smell

داء الليشمانيات

leishmaniasisany of various ulcerative skin diseases caused by any of the protozoans of the genus ''Leishmania''


Richmondcapital of Virginia

منظومة شمسية f

solar systemany collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star|planetary system

نُور شمس الشَّمْس

sunshinedirect rays of the sun

هولندا الشمالية f

North Hollandprovince of the Netherlands