Arabic-English dictionary »

سِي meaning in English

الرُّوسِيَّة f

RussianRussian (language)

الشَارِع الرَئِيسِيّ m

high streetthe main street of any town

الطِّبّ النَّفْسِيّ

psychiatrybranch of medicine dealing with mental disorders

الفَرَنْسِيَّة f

Frenchprincipal language of France and other related countries

الكَنِيسَة الرُوسِيَّة الأُرْثُوذُكْسِيَّة f

Russian Orthodox Churchone of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches

اللَّهْجَة التُّونُسِيَّة f

Tunisian ArabicTunisian dialect of Arabic

اللُّغَات الشَّرْكَسِيَّة f-p

Circassianlanguage group

اللُّغَة الرُّوسِيَّة f

RussianRussian (language)

اللُّغَة الفَرَنْسِيَّة f

Frenchprincipal language of France and other related countries

الْآرِيُوسِيَّة f

Arianismnontrinitarian Christian teaching

الْأَطْلَسِيّ m

Atlantic Oceanthe ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east

الْإِمْبِرَاطُورِيَّة الرُّوسِيَّة f

Russian Empireid=Q34266|state

الْخَلِيج الْفَارِسِيّ m

Persian Gulfgulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula

الْعَالَم الرُّوسِيّ m

Russian worldRussian sphere of influence; the ideological doctrine

RussosphereRussian sphere of influence

الْغَاز الْمَسِيل لِلْدَمُوع m

tear gaschemical compound

الْكَنِيسَة الأُرْثُوذُكْسِيَّة

Orthodox Churchthe Eastern body of Christendom



الْكُوسِيَّة f

XhosaXhosa language

الْمَسِيح m

Christtitle for Jesus of Nazareth

Messiah''(Christianity)'' Jesus|Savior

الْمَسِيح عِيسَى m

Jesus ChristJesus of Nazareth

الْمَكْسِيك f


الْمَكْسِيك الْجَدِيد m

New MexicoUS State

الْمُحِيط الْأَطْلَسِيّ m

Atlantic Oceanthe ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east

اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْأُورَاسِيّ m

Eurasian Economic Unioneconomic union|EAU|EAEU

اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْيُورَاسِيّ m

Eurasian Economic Unioneconomic union|EAU|EAEU

اَلْجُمْهُورِيَّة الْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French Republicid=Q142|country

اَلْعَصْر اَلْجُورَاسِيّ m

JurassicJurassic period

اَلْعُصُورُ ٱلْكلَاسِيكِيَّةُ ٱلْقَدِيمَةُ

classical antiquitythe Greco-Roman period of history

اَلْفَضَائِل اَلرَّئِيسِيَّة f-p

cardinal virtueone of the four foundational virtues

اَلْكُرْسِيّ اَلرَّسُولِيّ m

Holy Seeepiscopal see of the Catholic Church

اَلْكْلَاسِيكُو m

El Clásicoany match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid

اَلْمَارْكْسِيَّة ثَقَافِيَّة f

cultural Marxismconspiracy theory that cultural elements that were perceived to be propagating undesirable Marxist ideas by the Frankfurt School

اِبْن سِينَا m

AvicennaPersian polymath

اِخْتِبَار اَللُّغَة اَلرُّوسِيَّة لُغَةً أَجْنَبِيَّةً m


اِخْتِرَاقْ (جِنْسِيّ)

penetrationact of penetrating

اِضْطِرَاب الْكَرْب التَّالِيّ لِلصَّدْمَة النَّفْسِيَّة

post-traumatic stress disordercondition that develops following some stressful situation

اِضْطِرَاب هُوِيَّة جِنْسِيّ m

gender dysphoriaprofound unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's birth-assigned sex, experienced by some transgender people

اِمْتِيَازٌ تَنَافُسِيٌّ

competitive advantageattribute