Arabic-English dictionary »

سُوق meaning in English

سُوق m


marketgathering for trading

marketspacious site for trading

souqa street market in the Arabic-speaking countries

سُوق الْأَوْرَاق الْمَالِيَّة m

stock exchangebuilding and the associated organization

stock marketmarket for the trading of company stock

سُوق رَأْس الْمَال

capital marketmarket

سُوق سَوْدَاء f

black markettrade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls

بَحْث السُوق m

market researchanalysis of commercial data

بَحْث سُوق m

market researchanalysis of commercial data

دُعْسُوقَة f

ladybirdmember of Coccinellidae

فُسُوق m
