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سَاعَة meaning in English

سَاعَة f

clockinstrument to measure or keep track of time

hourtime period of sixty minutes

watchportable or wearable timepiece

سَاعَة اَلذُّرْوَة f

rush hourtimes of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting

سَاعَة جَدّ f

grandfather clockpendulum clock

سَاعَة ذُرِّيَّة f

atomic clockreference clock

سَاعَة رَمْلِيَّة f


سَاعَة سَعِيدَة

happy hourpub discount drinking hours

سَاعَة مُنَبِّهَة f

alarm clocktype of clock

سَاعَةٌ مَائِيَّة f

water clockdevice for measuring time

سَاعَةُ السِّبَاق f


السَاعَة الثَانِيَة عَشَرَة f

twelve o'clockstart of the first hour of the day (expressed in the 12-hour system; 12 [[a.m.]])|midnight

السَاعَة الحَادِيَة عَشَرَة f

eleven o'clockthe start of the twelfth hour

بُرْج سَاعَة m

clock towertower having a large clock

رُبُع سَاعَة m

quarter of an hourfifteen minutes

نِصْف سَاعَة
