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زَيْت meaning in English

زَيْت m

oilliquid fat

oilpetroleum-based liquid

زَيْت السَّمَك

fish oildietary supplement

زَيْت السِمْسِم m

sesame oiloil extracted from sesame seeds

زَيْت النَّخْلِ m

palm oiledible plant oil

زَيْت اَلْطَهِي m

cooking oilpurified fat

زَيْت زَيْتُون m

olive oiloil pressed from olives

زَيْت سِمْسِم m

sesame oiloil extracted from sesame seeds

زَيْتُون m


olive treetree that produces olives

زَيْتُونَة f

olive treetree that produces olives

غُصْن الزَيْتُون m

olive branchbranch of an olive tree as an emblem of peace

فَنّ تَصْوِير زَيْتِيّ m

paintingartistic application of paint

لَوْحَة زَيْتِيَة f

oil paintinga painting done with oil paints

مِصْبَاح زَيْتِيّ m

oil lampa simple vessel used to produce light