Arabic-English dictionary »

رُو meaning in English

إِلِكْتْرُونِيَّات f-p



electronicof or pertaining to the Internet

electronicof or pertaining to the Internet

electronicpertaining to electrons

إِلْبْرُوز m


إِيبْرُو m

EbroSpanish river

إِيرُوس m

Eros433 Eros (asteroid)

ErosGod of love

إِيرُوفْلُوت m

AeroflotRussian airline


Iskenderuncity in Turkey|Alexandretta

البِيرُو f

Peruid=Q419|country in South America

الكَنِيسَة الرُوسِيَّة الأُرْثُوذُكْسِيَّة f

Russian Orthodox Churchone of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches

النَّرُوج f

Norwayid=Q20|Scandinavian country

الِاثْنَيْن الْإِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

Cyber Mondaythe Monday after Thanksgiving, regarded as a day when many people shop online

الِٱتِّحَاد الْأُورُوبِيّ m

European Unionid=Q458|European supranational organisation

الْعَصْر الْبْرُونْزِيّ m

Bronze Agearchaeology

الْقُرُون الْوُسْطَى p

Middle Ageshistorical period

الْكَامِيرُون f

Cameroonid=Q1009|country in Central Africa

الْكَمِيرُون f

Cameroonid=Q1009|country in Central Africa

الْكَنِيسَة الْمَارُونِيَّة

Maronite Church

اَلْبَنْك اَلْمَرْكَزِيّ اَلْأُورُوبِّيّ m

European Central Bankcentral bank for the European Union

اَلْكَنِيسَة اَلْرُومَانِيَّة اَلْكَاثُولِيكِيَّة f

Roman Catholic ChurchCatholic Church

اِخْتِنَاق مُرُورِيّ m

traffic jamsituation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow

اِزْدِحَام الْمُرُور m

traffic jamsituation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow

اِسْتِرُونْتِيُوم m

strontiumchemical element

بَابِيرُوسَة f

babirusaa member of the genus ''Babyrousa''


lemon balm''Melissa officinalis''

بَارُود m

gunpowderexplosive mixture


Provenceregion in France

بَارُوق m

white leadlead carbonate

بَارُوكَة f

wighead of artificial hair

بَارُومِتْر m

barometeran instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure

بَدْرُوم m

basementfloor below ground level

بَدْرُون m

basementfloor below ground level

بَرُوسْتَات m

prostateprostate gland

بَرُوفَة f

rehearsalpracticing of performance to test or improve it

بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

emailsystem for transferring messages from one computer to another

بَشْرُوش m


بَيْرُوت f

Beirutcapital and largest city of Lebanon

بَيْرُوتِيَّة f

Beirutia person from, or an inhabitant of, Beirut


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