Arabic-English dictionary »

رُوب meaning in English

رُوب m

dressing gownitem of clothing

رُوب دُو شَامْبْر m

dressing gownitem of clothing

رُوبُوت m

bota piece of software for doing repetitive tasks

bota piece of software for doing repetitive tasks

robotintelligent mechanical being

رُوبُوتِيَّة f

roboticsthe science and technology of robots


roboticof, relating to, or resembling a robot

رُوبُوط m

robotintelligent mechanical being


Robertgiven name

رُوبِن هُود m

Robin Hoodlegendary outlaw


rubidiumelement with atomic number 37

رُوبِير m

Robertgiven name

رُوبِيَان m

prawnlarge shrimp

shrimpdecapod crustacean

رُوبِيَّة f

rupeemonetary currency

رُوبْل m

rubleRussian monetary unit

أَرُوبَا f

Arubaterritory in the Caribbean

أَنْطْرُوبُولُوجْيَا f

anthropologythe study of humanity

أُورُوبَا الشَّمَالِيَّة f

Northern Europesociopolitical region of Europe

أُورُوبَا الْوَسَطَى f

Central Europegeographical region in the center of Europe

أُورُوبَّا f

Europaa moon of Jupiter


أُورُوبَّا الشَّرْقِيَّة f

Eastern EuropeEastern Europe

أُورُوبَّا الْغَرْبِيَّة f

Western EuropeWestern Europe

أُورُوبَّا اَلْجَنُوبِيَّة f

Southern EuropeSouthern Europe

أُورُوبَّة f


أُورُوبِيَّة f



Europeanrelating to Europe or the European Union

أُورُوبِيّ m


الِٱتِّحَاد الْأُورُوبِيّ m

European Unionid=Q458|European supranational organisation

اَلْبَنْك اَلْمَرْكَزِيّ اَلْأُورُوبِّيّ m

European Central Bankcentral bank for the European Union

بَيْسُون أُورُوبِّيّ m

wisentEuropean bison, ''Bison bonasus''

بِيرُوبِيجَان m

Birobidzhancity in Russia

بْرُوبَاغَنْدَا f

propagandaconcerted set of messages

بْرُوبَان m

propanealiphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8

تْرُوبَادُور m

troubadouran itinerant performer of songs

سِمْفِرُوبُل m

Simferopolprovincial capital of the Crimea

سْتَافْرُوبُول m


عُرُوبَة f

Arabisman idiom characteristic of the Arabic language

Arabnessquality of being Arab