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ذَات meaning in English

ذَات f

possessorOne who possesses

samesimilar, alike

ذَات أَقَل تَدَخُّل جِرَاحِيّ

minimally invasiveminimizes cutting through the skin and tissues

ذَات الرَّدَاء الأَحْمَر f

Little Red Riding Hoodthe main character in this story

ذَات اَلثَّلَاث رُؤُوسّ f

tricepsany muscle having three heads

ذَات اَلرَّأْسَيْن f

bicepsany muscle having two heads

ذَات اَلرَّأْسَيْن اَلْعَضُدِيَّة f

bicepsthe upper arm, especially the muscles

ذَات اَلرِّئَة m

pneumoniainflammation of the lungs

آلَة بَيْع ذَاتِيّ f

vending machinemachine that dispenses merchandise

إِيحَاء ذَاتِيّ m


اِسْمُ ذَاتٍ m

concrete nounnoun that denotes a tangible thing

خِدْمَة ذَاتِيَّة f

self-servicethe practice of serving oneself

سِيرَة ذَاتِيَّة f

autobiographybiography of oneself

curriculum vitaewritten account of one's education, accomplishments, etc.

شَرِكَة ذَات مَسْؤُولِيَّة مَحْدُودَة f

limited liability companytype of company

شَيْء فِي ذَاتِهِ m

thing-in-itselfthing as it is independent of any conceptualization|noumenon

صُورَة ذَاتِيَّة f

selfieid=Q12068677|photographic self-portrait

قُبَّعَة ذَات قَرْنَيْن f

bicorntwo-cornered hat

مُبَرْهَنَةُ ذَاتِ الْحَدَّيْنِ f

binomial theoremformula giving the expansion of an alegraic sum raised to any positive integer power

نَظَرِيَّةُ ذَاتِ الْحَدَّيْنِ f

binomial theoremformula giving the expansion of an alegraic sum raised to any positive integer power

نِمْرَة ذَات صَابِر أَسْنَان f

sabre-toothed tigerprehistoric cat