Arabic-English dictionary »

دَار meaning in English

جِدَار m

walldefensive rampart

wallsubstantial structure acting as side or division in a building

جِدَار بَرْلِين m

Berlin Wallwall that parted Berlin

جِدَار ناريّ m

firewallcomputer software

دَرْدَار m


ash tree''Fraxinus'' tree

elmtree of genus Ulmus

رَادَار m

radarmethod of detecting distant objects

سَدَارَة f

vertigosensation of whirling and loss of balance

صِدَار m

waistcoata sleeveless, collarless garment

صِدَار نَجَاة m

life jacketAn article of protective clothing

طِفْل دَارِج m

toddleryoung child who has started walking but not fully mastered it

غَابَة مَطِيرَة مَدَارِيَّة f

tropical rainforestforest

كْرَاسْنُودَار m

Krasnodara city in Russia

لِوْحَة دَارَاتُ مَطَبُوعَة

trace(electronics) electric current-carrying conductive pathway

مَجْلِس إِدَارَة m

board of directorsgroup of people elected by stockholders

مَدَار m

orbitpath of one object around another

tropiceither of the two parallels

مَدَار أَرْضِيّ الْمَرْكَز m

geocentric orbit

مَدَار السَّرَطَان m

Tropic of Cancerthe parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator

مَدَار الْجَدْي m

Tropic of Capricornparallel of latitude 23°30' S

مَدَار شَمْسِيّ الْمَرْكَز m

heliocentric orbit

مَدَار قَمَرِيّ الْمَرْكَز m

selenocentric orbit

مَدَار كَوْكَبِيّ الْمَرْكَز m

planetocentric orbit

مَدَار مَجَرِّيّ الْمَرْكَز m

galactocentric orbit

مَدَار مِرِّيخِيّ الْمَرْكَز m

areocentric orbitorbit around the planet Mars


tropicalfrom or similar to a hot humid climate

tropicalof or pertaining to the tropics

مِقْدَار m

amounttotal or sum of items

quantityfundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement

نِظَام إِدَارَة مُحْتَوَى اَلْمُحْتَوَى

content management system