Arabic-English dictionary »

خُو meaning in English


HuChinese surname

خُوبِي m

Hubeiprovince in central China

خُوخِيخَاوْتِي m

Hohhotcapital of Inner Mongolia

خُوذَة f

helmetprotective head covering

خُور m

baybody of water|id=body of water

خُورُوشُوف m



Gorinchemcity in South Holland

خُورْفِسْقُفُوس m


خُونَان m

Hunanprovince of China

خُونْتَا f

juntaruling council of a military dictatorship

خُويْجُو m

Huizhoua city of China


Chorasmialarge oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia

خُوَارِزْمِيَّة f

algorithmwell-defined procedure

آخُونْد m

akhund(historical) a spiritual leader in Persia, parts of Central Asia and Xinjiang, China

آلَات ثَقْب الصُخُور

jackhammerportable percussive drill device


brotherhoodstate of being brothers or a brother

fraternitythe quality of being brothers

بَحْر أُوخُوتْسْك m

Sea of Okhotsksea

بَخُور m

incensematerial burnt for fragrant smoke

بُخُور m

incensematerial burnt for fragrant smoke

تَسْجِيل دُخُول m

loginlogging in


Częstochowacity in Poland

حَنَك رَخُو m

soft palatetissue

خِيخُوَن f

Gijóncity in Spain

دَخُول m

entrydoorway that provides a means of entering a building

دُون خُوَان m

Don Juana man who obsessively seduces women; a philanderer

دُون كِيخُوتِي m

Don Quixotethe protagonist of a famous Spanish novel


Zakhocity in Iran

سَان خُوسِيه m

San Joséthe capital of Costa Rica

سَان خُوَان f

San Juanvarious city and province names

سُخُومِي m

Sukhumicapital city


heatcondition or quality of being hot

شَيْخُوخَة f

agingthe process of becoming older or more mature

old agelatter part of life

طَرَاخُور m

jack mackerelfish

طَرْخُون m

tarragonperennial herb ''Artemisia dracunculus''

tarragonthe leaves of ''Artemisia dracunculus''


proudgratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied

proudhaving a too high opinion of oneself; arrogant, supercilious

قُصُوُّ البَصَرِ الشَيْخُوخِيّ m

presbyopiainability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects