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حُبّ meaning in English

حُبّ وَطَن m

patriotismlove of one's own country

اَلْحُبّ اَلْأَوَّل m

first loveone's first feeling of romantic love

اَلْحُبّ مِن اَلنَّظْرَة اَلْأُولَى m

love at first sightan instantaneous attraction

تُفَّاح الْحُبّ m

candy appleapple with a hard sugar candy coating

ثُلَاثِيَّة حُبّ f

love trianglesituation in which two people vie for the love of a third

عِيد اَلْحُبّ m

Saint Valentine's DaySaint Valentine's Day

لِقَاء الْحُبّ m

datemeeting with a lover or potential lover; a person so met

لِقَاء اَلْحُبّ m

trystprearranged meeting, now especially between lovers

مُثَلَّث حُبّ m

love trianglesituation in which two people vie for the love of a third

وَقَعَ فِي حُبّ

fall in loveto come to have feelings of love