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حَل meaning in English

حَل وَسَط m

compromisesettlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions

حَلَاقَة f

haircutact of cutting of hair


halalfit to eat according to Muslim religious customs

halalin general, according to Muslim customs, permissible to have or do

حَلَاوَة طَحِيِنِيَّة f


حَلَاوَةٌ f

sweetnesscondition of being sweet or sugary

حَلَب f

Aleppocity in Syria


milkto express milk from mammal

حَلَبِيَّة f

Aleppinea person from, or an inhabitant of, Aleppo


Aleppineof or pertaining to Aleppo

حَلَبِيّ m

Aleppinea person from, or an inhabitant of, Aleppo


Halabjaa town

حَلَزُون m

snailany animal of the class ''Gastropoda'' having a shell


حَلَزُونَة f

snailany animal of the class ''Gastropoda'' having a shell


swearto take an oath

حَلَق m

earringpiece of jewelry


shaveto remove hair from

حَلَقَة f

annulusremnants of a partial veil which leaves a ring on the stem of a mushroom

حَلَقَة دِرَاسِيَّة f

courselearning program

حَلَقَة دِرَاسِيَّة مُكَثِّفَة f

crash coursequick, intense course


dreamsee imaginary events while sleeping

dreamto hope, to wish

حَلَمَة f

nippleprojection of mammary gland

teatprojection of mammary gland

tita mammary gland, teat


disbandto break up or cause to cease to exist

loosento make less tight

resolveto find a solution to

solveto find an answer or solution

حَلَّاق m

barberperson whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards

حَلَّال m

solverone who solves


analyzeto subject to analysis

حَلُوف m

pigmammal of genus ''Sus''

حَلِيب النَارَجِيل m

coconut milkthe liquid from inside the seed of the coconut

حَلِيب اَلْمَاعِز m


حَلِيب جَوْز الْهِنْد m

coconut milkthe liquid from inside the seed of the coconut

حَلِيب مَكْثِف m

condensed milkmilk that has been reduced to syrup


dairyreferring to products produced from milk

lacticof, relating to, or derived from milk