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حَظّ meaning in English


lucksomething that happens to someone by chance

حَظّ المُبْتَدِئ m

beginner's luckgood luck enjoyed during a first attempt

حَظّ سَعِيد!

good luck''used to wish fortune on someone or as encouragement''

جَالِب للحَظّ

luckyresulting in good luck

سُوءُ الحَظّ

bad luckmisfortune

misfortunebad luck

ضَرْبَة حَظّ f

godsendinstance of unexpected benefit or good fortune

قَلِيل الحَظّ

haplessvery unlucky; ill-fated

لِحُسْن اَلْحَظّ

fortunatelyit is fortunate that