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حَرْب meaning in English

حَرْب f

warconflict involving organized use of arms

حَرْب أَهْلِيَّة f

civil warwar between factions within a single country

حَرْب النُّجُوم f

Star Warsepic space opera franchise

حَرْب الْخَلِيج الثَّانِيَة

Gulf Warwar fought at the Persian Gulf

حَرْب اَلتَّحْرِير f

edit wara dispute over the content of a page on a wiki or other editable work

حَرْب اِسْتِنْزاف f

war of attritionprolonged exhausting war

حَرْب بَارِدَة f

cold wara period of hostile relations

حَرْب خَاطِفَة f

blitzkriegfast military offensive

حَرْب ذَرِّيَّة f

nuclear warwar fought using nuclear weapons

حَرْب صَلِيبِيَّة f

crusadegrand concerted effort

حَرْب عِصَابَات f

guerrillaguerrilla war

حَرْب فِدائِيَّة f

guerrillaguerrilla war

حَرْب مَعْلُومَات f

information warfareuse of information in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent

حَرْب مُقَدَّسَة f

holy wara type of war|war of religion

حَرْب نَوَوِيَّة f

nuclear warwar fought using nuclear weapons

حَرْبَة f


spearlong stick with a sharp tip

حَرْبُون m

harpoonspearlike weapon


militaryrelating to war

أَسِير الْحَرْب m

prisoner of warcombatant or soldier captured by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed conflict

أَمِير حَرْب

warlordhigh military officer in a warlike nation

الحَرْب الشَّامِلَةُ m

total warwarfare where all of a country's resources are employed

الْحَرْب الْبَارِدَة f

Cold Warperiod of hostility short of open war between the Soviet Bloc and the Western powers, 1945–1991

الْحَرْب الْعَالَمِيَّة f

world wara war involving the major nations of the world

الْحَرْب الْوَطَنِيَّة الْعُظْمَى f

Great Patriotic Warthe war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945

الْحَرْبُ الْعَالَمِيَّةُ الثَّانِيَة f

World War IIwar from 1939 to 1945

اَلْحَرْبُ العَالَمِيَّةُ الْأُولَى f

World War Iwar

اَلْحَرْبُ اَلْعَالَمِيَّةُ اَلثَّالِثَة f

World War IIIhypothetical world war (World War III)

جَرِيمَةْ حَرْب f

war crimepunishable offence under international law for violations of the laws of war

زَمَن الْحَرْب m

wartimeperiod of a war

سَاحَة حَرْب f

battlefieldfield of a land battle

سَفِينَة حَرْبِيَّة f

man-of-warpowerful armed naval vessel

warshipship built or armed for naval combat

لُعْبَة حَرْب f

war gamemilitary simulation|military exercise

مَسْرَح حَرْب m

theater of warthe area in which armed conflict takes place

مُجْرِم حَرْب m

war criminalperson guilty of war crimes

مُجْرِمَة حَرْب f

war criminalperson guilty of war crimes

مُحَرِّض حَرْب m

warmongerone who advocates war

مُحَرِّضَة حَرْب f

warmongerone who advocates war

وَقُود حَرْب m

cannon foddermilitary forces considered to be expendable