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جِي meaning in English


externaloutside of something

extraneousnot belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing

Kharijitemembers of a reactionary Islamic sect in the 7th and 8th centuries



خُثَار تَاجِيّ m

coronary thrombosisthrombosis of a coronary artery

خِيانة زَوْجِيَّة f

adulterysexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse

دَاء الشَّرْيَان التَّاجِيّ m

coronary artery diseasedisease of the heart

دَالَّة مَوْجِيَّة f

wavefunctionnotion in quantum mechanics

دُهْن النَارَجِيل m

coconut oiltype of cooking oil extracted from coconuts

دِي جِي m

disc jockeyperson who plays recorded music in nightclubs etc.

دِيدْجِيرِيدُو m

didgeridooAustralian musical instrument

رَكَلَات التَّرْجِيح f

penalty shootouta series of penalty kicks

رُومَاجِي m

romajiromanization of Japanese

رُونْتْجِينْيُوم m

roentgeniumchemical element

زَنْجِيَّة f

negressblack female

زَنْجِيّ m

negroblack person


evenarithmetic: divisible by two

زِنْجِيَّة f

negressblack female

زِنْجِيّ m

negroblack person

سَجِين m

convictperson convicted of a crime

inmateone confined to institution, such as a prison

prisonerperson incarcerated in a prison

سَجِين الرَأْي m

prisoner of conscienceperson

سَجِين سِيَاسِيّ m

political prisonerperson

سَجِينَة f

inmateone confined to institution, such as a prison

prisonerperson incarcerated in a prison

سَيَّارَة هِيدْرُوجِينِيَّة

hydrogen vehicleany vehicle that uses hydrogen as its principal fuel

سِلَاح بَيُولُوجِيّ m

bioweaponweapon designed for use in biological warfare

سِيبُورْجِيُوم m

seaborgiumchemical element with atomic number 106


Sergipestate in north-eastern Brazil

سِيَاحَة عِلَاجِيَّة f

medical tourismtype of tourism


analof, related to, intended for or involving the anus

شَكْل مَوْجِيّ


شِينْجِين m

Shenzhena city in China

صَامِت مَزْجِيّ m


صُوف زُجَاجِيّ m

glass woolinsulating material

ضَجِيج m

brouhahafuss, uproar

hubbuba confused uproar, commotion, tumult or racket

noisevarious sounds, usually unwanted

طَاجِيكِسْتَان f

Tajikistanid=Q863|Republic of Tajikistan