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ثَلْج meaning in English

ثَلْج m


ثَلْج حُبَيْبَي m

firnA type of old snow which has gone through multiple thaw and refreeze cycles


snowymarked by snow

إِنْسَان ثَلْجِيّ m

snowmanfigure made of snow

اِنْهِيَار ثَلْجِيّ m

avalanchelarge sliding mass of snow and ice

تِمْثَال ثَلْجِيّ m

snowmanfigure made of snow

عَاصِفَة ثَلْجِيَّة f

blizzardsevere snowstorm

مُكَعَّبُ ثَلْجٍ m

ice cubesmall piece of ice used for cooling drinks