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تَاج meaning in English

تَاج m

crownroyal headdress

تَاج العَمُود m

capitaluppermost part of a column|id=architecture

تَاج مَحَل m

Taj Mahalmonument in India


TadjouraTown in Djibouti

TadjourahRegion in Djibouti

تَاجِر m

businessmana man in business, one who works at a commercial institution

businesspersona person in business

dealerone who deals in things, e.g. automobiles

merchantperson who traffics in commodities

traderone who earns a living by trading

تَاجِرَة f

businesspersona person in business

businesswomanwoman of business

dealerone who deals in things, e.g. automobiles

merchantperson who traffics in commodities

traderone who earns a living by trading

تَاجِيكِسْتَان f

Tajikistanid=Q863|Republic of Tajikistan

إنْتَاجِيَّة f

productivitystate of being productive

إِنْتَاج m

productionthe act of producing


needto have an absolute requirement for

needto want strongly

اِسْتِنْتَاج m


deductionprocess of reasoning

خُثَار تَاجِيّ m

coronary thrombosisthrombosis of a coronary artery

سَرَقَةُ السِلَعَ مِنَ الـمَتَاجِر

shopliftingaction of the verb to shoplift

غُرَاب اللَيْل أَسْوَد التَاج

black-crowned night heron''Nycticorax nycticorax''

لَا يُحْتَاجُ إِثْبَاتَة إِلَى تَجْرِبَة

a priorilogic: based on hypothesis rather than experiment

مُونْتَاج m

montagecomposite work created by assembling other elements


yieldquantity of something produced

وَسَائِل الْإِنْتَاج p

means of productioncombination of the means of labor and the subject of labor