Arabic-English dictionary »

تشخيص الأمراض عن طريق تحليل البول meaning in English


analysisdecomposition into components in order to study

تحليل m-p

analyticsapplication of computer technology, operational research, and statistics to solve problems

مسببات الأمراض

pathogenany organism or substance that causes disease

طريق مشجر f

parkwayA path, carriage-way, or road through a park or a landscaped right of way

طب الأمراض الجلدية

dermatologythe study of the skin and its diseases

عن حسن نيَة

bona fidedone in good faith

التمريض عن بعد

telenursinguse of telecommunication technology to provide nursing services

رحل عن الحياة

deceasedeparture, especially departure from this life; death

خرج عن طوره

freak outreact with anger or fear

خارج عن السيطرَة


التقرير المدرسي عن الطالب

report cardgrades