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بَصَ meaning in English

بَصَر f

visionsense or ability of sight

بَصَر m

eyesightfaculty of sight

بَصَرِيَّات f-p

opticsphysics of light and vision


visualrelated to or affecting the vision


spitto evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.|id=expectorate

بَصَل m

onion''Allium cepa''

بَصَل أَخْضَر m

spring onion''Allium fistulosum''

بَصَل الفَأْر m

sea onion''Drimia maritima''

بَصَلَة سِيسَائِيَّة f

medulla oblongatalower portion of the brainstem

اِتِّصَالٌ بَصَرِيّ m

eye contactaction of looking at another human or animal in the eye

غُدَّةُ بَصَلِيَّةُ إِحْليلِيَّة f

bulbourethral glandbulbourethral gland

فُنُون بَصَرِيَّة p

visual artsart forms that are primarily visual in nature

قُصُوُّ البَصَرِ الشَيْخُوخِيّ m

presbyopiainability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects

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