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بَاب meaning in English

جَرَس الْبَاب m

doorbelldevice on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence

حَبُّ الشَّبَاب m-p

acnea skin condition

ذُبَاب الزُّهُور

hoverflyfly in the family Syrphidae

ذُبَاب حَوَّام

hoverflyfly in the family Syrphidae

ذُبَابَة f

flyinsect of the family Muscidae

ذُبَابَة مَنْزِلِيَّة f


رَبَابَة f

rebabstringed musical instrument

رَبُّ الْأَرْبَابِ m

Lord of Lords

زَبَابَة f

shrewmouselike animal

زِيمْبَابْوِي m

Zimbabweid=Q954|Republic of Zimbabwe

شَبَاب m

youthquality or state of being young

ضَبَاب m

fogcloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision

عَتَبَةُ الْبَابِ f

doorstepthreshold of a doorway

عَلِيّ بَابَا m

Ali Babaa fictional character

كَبَاب m


كَبَابَة f

cubeb''Piper cubeba''

مَقْبِض اَلْبَاب

door handlemechanism used to open or close a door

مُضَاد اِسْتِطْبَاب m

contraindicationfactor or symptom

مِقْبَض اَلْبَاب m

doorknobcircular device attached to a door, the rotation of which permits the unlatching of a door

مْبَابَانِي f

Mbabanecapital of Eswatini

نُزُل اَلشَّبَاب m

youth hostelan inexpensive supervised lodging place, primarily for young people