Arabic-English dictionary »

بلا meaning in English

بلا سبب

becauseword used in place of an answer to "why"

بلاد العجائب

wonderlandImaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels

بلازما الدم

blood plasmaclear fluid portion of blood


for freewithout paying

free of chargenot requiring any payment - adjective

بلاغويفغراد m

Blagoevgradtown in Bulgaria


ectoplasmparapsychology: visible substance believed to emanate from spiritualistic mediums

إم بي ثري بلاير m

MP3 playerelectronic device for playing digital audio files in the MP3 format

الغشاء البلازمي

cell membranesemipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell

الوعي بلا اختيار

choiceless awarenessthe state of unpremeditated, complete awareness of the present without preference, effort, or compulsion



شبكة إندوبلازمية f

endoplasmic reticulumnetwork of membranes