Arabic-English dictionary »

الْبَحْر meaning in English

الْبَحْر الْأَسْوَد m

Black Seaan inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor

الْبَحْر الْأَصْفَر m

Yellow SeaAsian sea

الْبَحْر الْتِيرَانِيّ m

Tyrrhenian SeaPart of the Mediterranean Sea

الْبَحْر الْكَارِيبِيّ m

Caribbean Seaa tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere

الْبَحْر الْكِلْتِيّ m

Celtic Seasea

الْبَحْر الْمَيِّت m

Dead Sealake in the Middle East

الْبَحْرَيْن f

Bahrainid=Q398|country in the Middle East

اِبْنَة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

بَلَحُ الْبَحْر m

musselany small edible bivalve shellfish|clam|oyster|mollusc

حُورِيَّة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

خُصْيْة الْبَحْر f

castoreum[[castor sac]] [[exudate]]

خِنْزِير الْبَحْر m


طَعَام الْبَحْر m

seafoodfish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life

عَرُوسَة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

قِنْدِيل الْبَحْر m

jellyfishaquatic animal