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اللا مبالاة :: خمول :: عدم أهمية :: لا تحيز meaning in English

الكنيسة اللاتينية f

Latin Churchone of the particular churches

لا يصدق


لا روشيل f

La Rochellecity in New Aquitaine, France

عدم الإعادة القسرية

non-refoulementprinciple that a person should not be returned to an area where they would face mistreatment

لا بُدَّ منه

sine qua nonprerequisite

لا السمك ولا الطيور

neither fish nor fowlnot easily categorized; not rightly belonging or fitting well in a given group or situation; not having the advantages of the various options

لا ديني، غير مؤمن m

nonbelievera person who does not believe, especially regarding religion

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