Arabic-English dictionary »

أَنْ meaning in English


threatento portend, or give a warning of

أَنْزَرُوت m

sarcocolla''A. sarcocolla'' resin; closely similar resins


let downto allow to descend

lowerlet (something) descend by its own weight, such as a bucket or sail

revealto communicate that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction

أَنْسَنَة f

humanizationact of humanizing

أَنْسُون m


أَنْشَان m

Anshana prefecture-level city in northeastern China

أَنْشُوفة f

anchovysmall saltwater fish

أَنْشُوقَة f

anchovysmall saltwater fish


listento expect or wait for a sound

listento pay attention to a sound

أَنْطَاكِيَة f

Antioch(historical) Antioch on the Orontes|Antakya

أَنْطِلْيَاس f

Antilyascity in Lebanon

أَنْطْرُوبُولُوجْيَا f

anthropologythe study of humanity

أَنْعَام f-p

livestockfarm animals


bestowto impart (something) gratuitously; to present (something) to someone or something, especially as a gift or an honour

favorto look upon fondly; to prefer

أَنْغْسْتْرُوم m

angstroma very small unit of length, 10−10 m

أَنْغْكُور وَات m

Angkor WatCambodian temple complex

أَنْف الْعِجْل m

snapdragonany plant of the genus ''Antirrhinum''

أَنْف مَعْقُوف m

aquiline nosehuman nose with a hooked, bent shape


spendto pay out


ourselvesemphatic: we

ourselvesreflexive: us


nasalhaving a quality imparted by means of the nose

أَنْقَاض p

rubblethe broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry


rescueto save from any danger or violence

saveto help someone to survive, or rescue someone

أَنْقَرَة f

Ankaracapital of Turkey

أَنْقَلِيس m

eelany fish of the order Anguilliformes

أَنْكَلِيس m

eelany fish of the order Anguilliformes

أَنْكُورِيج m


أَنْكُورِيَة f

Ankaracapital of Turkey


endtransitive: finish, terminate (something)

finalizeto make final or firm; to finish or complete

finishto complete

إِلَى أَنْ

untilup to the time that

الِٱتِّحَاد الأَنْجِلِيكَانِيّ m

Anglican Communionworldwide network of churches


Anbarhistorical city in Iraq