Arabic-English dictionary »

أَم meaning in English

الأَمَزونْ m


الْأَمْعَاء الدَّقِيقَة

small intestineupper part of the intestine

الْوِلَايَات الْمُتَّحِدَة الْأَمْرِيكِيَّة

United States of Americaid=Q30|country in North America


Amazonasstate of Brazil

اَلْإِنْجِلِيزِيَّة اَلْأَمْرِيكِيَّة f

American EnglishEnglish of the United States


safelyin a safe manner


hopeto want something to happen, with expectation that it might

تَبْيِيض أَمْوَال m

money launderingact of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally

تَمْرِيرَةٌ أَمَامِيَّةٌ f

through balla kind of a pass in soccer

تَوْأَم m

twineither of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects

تِمْسَاح أَمْرِيكِيّ m

alligatorlarge amphibious reptile of genus ''Alligator''

حَقِيبَة أَمْتِعَة f

trunkluggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car

حِزَام أَمَان

seat beltrestraining belt

خَائِب الأَمَل

disappointeddefeated of hope or expectation

خَطّ أَمَامِيّ m

front linemilitary boundary between opposing positions

خَيْبَة أَمَل f


خَيْبَة أَمَل m

underwhelmingfailing to interest

دَبُّوس أَمَان m

safety pinpin in the form of a clasp

دُرْج أَمَامِيّ m

glove compartmentcompartment recessed in an automobile’s dashboard

دُولَار أَمْرِيكِيّ m

US dollarofficial currency of the United States

رَكُوب أَمْوَاج m


زُجَاج السَيَّارَة الأَمَامِيّ

windshieldscreen located in front of a vehicle to protect from wind and weather

سَامُوَّا اَلْأَمْرِيكِيَّة f

American SamoaUS overseas territory in Oceania

شِرَاع أَمَامِيّ m

headsailsail set forward of the foremost mast

ضَوْءٌ أَمَامِيّ m


طُرَّةٌ أَم نَقْشٌ

heads or tailsheads or tails

عَاجِلاً أَم آجِلاً

sooner or laterset phrase; eventually

عِلْمُ الأَمْرَاض m

pathologybranch of medicine

غَسَلَ يَدَيْهِ مِنَ الْأَمْرِ

wash one's handsto absolve oneself of responsibility or future blame for

غَسِيل أَمْوَال m

money launderingact of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally

غَسْل أَمْوَال m

money launderingact of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally

فِي أَمَانِ اللّٰه


فِيلْم غَرْب أَمْرِيكِيّ m

westernfilm or other dramatic work

كُرَة الْقَدَم الْأَمْرِيكِيَّة

American footballAmerican football

كُومْسُومُولْسْك نَا أَمُورِي m

KomsomolskKomsomolsk-na-Amure, Russia

لَكْمَة أَمَامِيَّة f

jab(boxing) a short straight punch

لُغَة اَلْإِشَارَة الْأَمْرِيكِيَّة f

American Sign Languagelanguage that uses hands, facial expressions, and other bodily behavior to communicate

مَجْلِس الْأَمْن الْأُمَم الْمُتَّحِدَة m

UN Security Councilinternational organ

مُسْتَشْفَى الأَمْرَاض النَفْسِيَّة

mental hospitalfacility designed to treat persons with mental disorders

مُعَادَاة أَمْرِيكَا f

anti-Americanismthe fear or dislike of the United States or American people, policies, culture or government