العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

لُو meaning in بالإنجليزية

ثُؤْلُول m

boilaccumulation of pus

warttype of growth occurring on the skin

جَالُوت m

Goliathbiblical giant

جُزُر أَلُوشْيَان f-p

Aleutian Islandsarchipelago

جُمْهُورِيَّة سْلُوفَاكِيَا f

Slovak Republicid=Q214|official name of Slovakia

جُمْهُورِيَّة سْلُوفِينِيَا f

Republic of Sloveniaid=Q215|official name of Slovenia

جُمْهُورِيَّة لُوغَانْسْك الشَّعْبِيَّة f

Luhansk People's Republicsecessionist state in Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine

جِيلُونْغ m

Keelunga city in Taiwan

جِيُولُوجِيَا f

geologythe study of the earth

جِيُولُوجِيّ m

geologistperson whose occupation specializes in geology

جْوَادِلُوب f


جْوَادِلُوب m

Guadeloupeoverseas department and region of France

حَالُوش m

mole cricketinsect of ''Gryllotalpidae''

حَبّ المُلُوك m


حَرْب مَعْلُومَات f

information warfareuse of information in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent

حَفْل قُدُوم المَوْلُود المُنْتَظِر m

baby showerparty

حَلُوف m

pigmammal of genus ''Sus''


incarnationincarnate being or form

incarnationliving being embodying a deity or spirit

خُلُو مِن اَلْعَمَل

free timetime when one is not working

leisurefreedom provided

leisuretime free

خُلُود m

immortalitycondition of not being susceptible to death

خِيلُونْغْجْيَانْغ m

Heilongjiangprovince of China

دَلُوك m

linimenttopical medical preparation

دُمْلُوج m

armletA band worn on the arm for ornamental or identification purposes

دُوقِيَّة لُوكْسَمْبُورْغ الْكُبْرَى

Grand Duchy of Luxembourgid=Q32|official name of Luxembourg

دِبْلُوم m


دِبْلُومَاسِيَّة f

diplomacyart of conducting international relations

diplomatperson who is accredited to represent a government

دِبْلُومَاسِيّ m

diplomatperson who is accredited to represent a government

diplomaticconcerning relationships between governments

دِبْلُومَة f


دِيجْلُوسْيَا f

diglossiathe coexistence of two closely related native languages

رُبَع غَالُون m

quarta unit of liquid capacity

رُومُولُوس m

Romuluslegendary founder of Rome

رِيح شَلُوق f


زُغْلُول m

squabbaby pigeon or dove

سَالُو m

salonon-rendered pig fat

سَالُونِيك m

ThessalonikiModern city in Greece