العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

لُو meaning in بالإنجليزية

أُسْلُوب m

stylemanner of expression in writing or speech


guelder roseguelder rose, snowball tree

viburnumplants of the genus ''Viburnum''

أُلُوهِيَّة f

divinitygodhood, state of being God or a god

أُوسْلُو f

OsloOslo (a county and municipality, the capital city of Norway)

أُولُورُو m

Ulurugiant rock in Australia

إِبِسْتِمُولُوجِيَّا f

epistemologybranch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge

إِبْسِلُون m

epsilonname for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet

إِبْسِيلُون m

epsilonname for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet



إِلُوهِيم m

Elohimname for God

إِنْفْلُوَنْزَا f

influenzaan acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs

إِنْفْلُوَنْزَا خَنَازِير f

swine fluinfluenza caused by orthomyxoviruses

إِنْفْلُوِنْزَا f


إِيدِيُولُوجِيَّة f

ideologydoctrine, body of ideas

إِيرُوفْلُوت m

AeroflotRussian airline


ecologicalrelating to ecology

الْهُولُوكُوسْت m

Holocaustthe mass murder of 11–14 million people by Nazi Germany

Holocaustthe mass murder of six million Jews by Nazi Germany

اَلثَّالُوث الْأَقْدَس m

TrinityChristianity: three persons of the Godhead

اَلْقَطَلُونِيَّة f

Catalanlanguage of Catalonia


sewerpipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage

بَالُوعَة f

cesspoolplace for sewage

drainconduit for liquids

sinkholedepressed area in which water collects

بَالُون m

balloonchild’s toy

ballooninflatable and buoyant object

بَرْشَلُونة f

Barcelonacapital of Catalonia


bachelor's degreefirst or lowest academic degree

بَكَالُورِيُوس m

baccalaureatequalification awarded after passing the '''baccalaureate''' exam

بَلُوز m

bluesmusical form

بَلُوزَة f

blousean outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt

بَلُوشِيَّة f


بَنْبِلُونَة f

Pamplonacity in Navarre of northern Spain

بَنْطَلُون m

pantsgarment covering the body from the waist downwards

slacksSemi-formal trousers not part of a suit

بَنْطَلُونات m-p

slacksSemi-formal trousers not part of a suit

بَنْغَالُور m

Bangalorestate capital of Karnataka, India

بَيْض مَسْلُوق m

boiled eggboiled egg (generic)

بَيْضَة مَسْلُوقَة f

boiled eggboiled egg (generic)