العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

كَان meaning in بالإنجليزية

الِٱتِّحَاد الأَنْجِلِيكَانِيّ m

Anglican Communionworldwide network of churches

الْفَاتِيكَان f



Vatican Cityid=Q237|State of the Vatican City

اَلْكَانَادَا f


اِسْمُ ٱلْمَكَانِ

noun of placenoun meaning “place of x” corresponding to a given verb or other part of speech

بُرْكَان m

volcanomountain containing a magma chamber


volcanicof or pertaining to a volcano

تَفَاعُل كَانِّيزَارُو m

Cannizzaro reactionreaction


Tocantinsstate in central Brazil

جُمْهُورِيَّة اَلدُّومِنِيكَان f

Dominican Republicid=Q786|country in the Caribbean


GuadalcanalPacific island

حَفَّارَة مِيكَانِيكِيَّة f


حُمَم بُرْكَانِيَّة p

lavamolten rock

رَئِيس أَرْكَان m

commander in chiefsupreme commander of the armed forces of an entire country

رَدّ فِعْلِ كَانِّيزَارُو m

Cannizzaro reactionreaction

زَمَكَان m

spacetimefour dimensional continuum

سَكَانْدِيُوم m

scandiumid=Q713|chemical element


aggregateany of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism

skandhaany of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism

شِينْكَانْسِن m

bullet trainJapanese high-speed train

ضِلْع هَايْلَاكَانْدِي

HailakandiHailakandi district

فَوَّهَة اَلْبُرْكَان f

craterastronomy: hemispherical pit

cratergeology: opening of a volcano

craterpit left by an explosion

فِي كُلِّ مَكَانٍ

everywhereat all places

فِي لَا مَكَان

nowherein no place

قَارِب الْكَانُو m

canoesmall long and narrow boat

قَدْر اَلْإِمْكَان

as much as possibleas much as is possible

قَلْب مَكَانِيّ m

metathesisthe transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word

كَاتَاكَانَا f

katakanaJapanese syllabary

كُلَّمَا كَانَ... كَانَ ...

the'''the''' + ''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''

كْمَا لَو كَان

likecolloquial: mild intensifier

لُغَة أَفْرِيكَانِيَّة f


لُغَة الكُونْكَانِيَّة


مَانُوكَان m

mannequinmodel of the human body used for the displaying of clothes

مَانِيكَان m

mannequinmodel of the human body used for the displaying of clothes

مَكَان m


placeany area of the earth

placelocation, position