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كَان meaning in بالإنجليزية


Kana Japanese surname

كَان m

Cannesa city in France

كَان يَامَا كَان

once upon a timetraditional beginning of children’s stories, especially fairy tales


formerlyat some time in the past

used toformerly and habitually or repeatedly

كَانَ عَلَى حَقٍّ

be rightbe correct in one's judgement or statement about something

كَانَ نَفْسَكَ m

be oneselfto act naturally

كَانَ نَفْسَكِ f

be oneselfto act naturally

كَانَا f

kanaJapanese syllabaries


Kanazawacity in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan

كَانَاغَاوَا f

KanagawaKanagawa, Japan

كَانُون الْأَوَّل m

Decembertwelfth month of the Gregorian calendar

كَانُون اَلثَّانِي m

Januaryfirst month of the Gregorian calendar

كَانُّولِي m

cannolitube of fried pastry filled with ricotta

كَانِيش m

poodleany of various breeds of poodle

كَانْبَيرَا f

Canberracapital city of Australia

كَانْبِرَا f

Canberracapital city of Australia

كَانْتَاس m

Qantasnational Australian airline

كَانْتُوبُوب m

CantopopCantonese pop music

كَانْتُونِيَّة f


Cantoneseperson from Canton

Cantoneserelating to the Cantonese language

كَانْتُونِيّ m

Cantoneseperson from Canton

Cantoneserelating to Canton

كَانْجِي m

kanjiChinese characters in Japanese context

كَانْدُوم m

condomflexible sleeve worn on the penis


Kandycity in Sri Lanka

كَانْسَاس m

KansasUS state


Cancúncity in Quintana Roo, Mexico

أَبَاكَان m

Abakancity in Russia

أَفْرِيكَانِيَّة f

Afrikanermember of ethnic group

أَفْرِيكَانِيّ m

Afrikanermember of ethnic group


Akanlanguage group spoken in Ghana

AkanNiger-Congo language

إِلَى لَا مَكَان

nowhereto no place

إِمْكَان m

proficiencyability or skill


possibilitya thing possible; that which may take place or come into being

possibilityoption or choice, usually used in context with future events

prospectpotential things that may come to pass, usually favorable

إِمْكَانِيَّة m

feasibilitystate of being feasible


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