العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

اِسْت meaning in بالإنجليزية

اِسْتِنَادًا إِلَى

by virtue ofbecause of

اِسْتِنْتَاج m


deductionprocess of reasoning

اِسْتِنْزَاف m

attritiongradual reduction in a tangible or intangible resource

اِسْتِنْسَاخ m

cloningproduction of a cloned embryo

cloningproduction of an exact copy of an object

اِسْتِنْطَاق m

interrogationact of interrogating or questioning


censureto criticize harshly


censureto criticize harshly

اِسْتِهْزَاء m

ironystatement that may mean the opposite of what is written literally

mockeryaction of mocking; ridicule, derision

اِسْتِهْلَاك m

consumptionthe act of consuming something


inceptionthe creation or beginning of something

اِسْتِوَائِيّ m

equatorialof, near, or relating to the equator

اِسْتِيرَاد m

importpractice of importing

اِسْتِيعَاب m

absorptionact or process of absorbing or sucking in anything

اِسْتِيلَاء m

confiscationthe act or process of confiscating an item from public use; expropriation

conquestact or instance of achieving victory through combat; subjugation of an enemy

occupationcontrol of a country or region by a hostile army

اِسْتْرِبْتِيز m

stripteasearousing act

أَدَاة اِسْتِفْهَام f

interrogativea word implying interrogation

أَسَاءَ اِسْتِعْمَالَ

abuseto use improperly

اِسَاءَة اِسْتِخْدَام f

abuseimproper usage

بَنْك اِسْتِهْلَاكِيّ m

retail banktype of bank

تَلْقِيم اِسْتِرْجَاعِيّ m

feedbackcritical assessment of process or activity

تِمْسَاح اِسْتِوَائِيّ m

alligatorlarge amphibious reptile of genus ''Alligator''

جُمْهُورِيَّة غِينِيَا الاِسْتِوَائِيَّة

Republic of Equatorial Guineaid=Q983|official name of Equatorial Guinea

حَرْب اِسْتِنْزاف f

war of attritionprolonged exhausting war

حَفْلَة اِسْتِقْبَال f

receptionsocial engagement

خَطُّ الاِسْتِوَاء m

equatorcircle around the earth

عَلَامَة اِسْتِفْهَام f

question markpunctuation mark

غُرْفَةْ اَلاِسْتِقْبَال f

living roomroom in a private house

غِينِيَا اَلاِسْتِوَائِيَّة f

Equatorial Guineaid=Q983|country in Western Africa

لُغَةَ الاِسْتِعْلَام f

query languagecomputer language

مَصْرِف اِسْتِهْلَاكِيّ m

retail banktype of bank

مُضَاد اِسْتِطْبَاب m

contraindicationfactor or symptom

مُعَدَّل الاِسْتِقْلَاب الْأَسَاسِيّ m

basal metabolic rateamount of energy expended while at rest

مُوَظَّف الْاِسْتِقْبَال m

receptionistemployee who receives visitors and/or calls, typically in an office setting

مُوَظَّفَةُ الْاِسْتِقْبَال f

receptionistemployee who receives visitors and/or calls, typically in an office setting

وَرَق اِسْتِنْجَاء m

toilet paperpaper to clean oneself after defecation or urination