العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

اِسْت meaning in بالإنجليزية

اِسْتِعَادَة كُلِّيَّة f

apocatastasisthe doctrine that an apocalypse will lead to the remaking of the world rather than a Final Judgment

اِسْتِعَارَة f

metaphoruncountable: figure of speech


figurativemetaphorical; not literal

metaphoricalpertaining to a metaphor


hastinesscharacteristic of being hasty

اِسْتِعْدَاد m

aptitudenatural ability to acquire knowledge or skill

preparationact of preparing

اِسْتِعْرَاض m

paradepublic procession


اِسْتِعْلام m

querycomputing: set of instructions passed to a database

اِسْتِعْمَار m

colonizationprocess of establishing a colony

اِسْتِعْمَار جَدِيد m

neocolonialismcontrol or domination of one country by another

اِسْتِعْمَارِي m

colonialistor or pertaining to colonialism

اِسْتِعْمَارِيَّة f

imperialismthe policy of extending power, by force


colonialof or pertaining to a colony

اِسْتِعْمَال m

useact of using

اِسْتِغْفَار m

istighfar(Islam) act of asking God for forgiveness

اِسْتِغْلَال m

exploitationact of exploiting


yieldquantity of something produced

اِسْتِفَانُوس m

Stephenbiblical martyr

اِسْتِفْتاء m

referendumdirect popular vote

اِسْتِفْرَاغ m

vomitingaction of the verb vomit

اِسْتِفْزَاز m

provocationact of provoking

اِسْتِفْهَام مَجَازِيّ m

rhetorical questionquestion posed for dramatic or persuasive effect

اِسْتِقَالَة f

resignationact of resigning

اِسْتِقْبَال m

receptionact of receiving

receptionsocial engagement

اِسْتِقْلال m


اِسْتِقْلَاب m

metabolismcomplete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells

اِسْتِقْلَال m

independencestate or quality of being independent



اِسْتِكْشَاف m

explorationact of exploring

اِسْتِمَارَة f

applicationa verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar

formdocument to be filled in

اِسْتِمَالَة الْأَطْفَال

groomingattempting to gain the trust of a child or vulnerable person for sexual purposes

اِسْتِمْطَار m

cloud seeding

اِسْتِمْنَاء m

masturbationmanual erotic stimulation of the genitals

اِسْتِمْهَال m

moratoriumauthorization permitting temporary suspension of payments

اِسْتِنَابَة f

proxyauthority to act for another, especially when written

اِسْتِنَاد m

dependencestate of being dependent


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