Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

hemofili -n -er betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
hemofili -n -er infoblödarsjuka, hemofyli

vérzékenység [f.r.] [haemofilia]infohemophilia, hereditary condition, the blood of a person with hemophilia does not clot normally,

angiohemofili -n -er infokoagulationsstörning [orsakad av en defekt i von Willebrand-faktor], von Willebrands sjukdom [VWB]

angiohemofilia [P: a von Willebrand faktor defektusa] [angiohemophilia, pseudohemophilia]infopseudohemophilia, a clotting disorder caused by abnormal factor VIII activity