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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
klövben -et - infobenet i den tåled som är beklädd med klöv

csülökcsont [os ungulare]infoungular bone

korpben -et -

hollócsőrcsont [os coracoideum]infocoracoid, a paired bone which is part of the shoulder

kotben -et -

csüd · csüdcsont · első ujjperccsont [phalanx proximalis, os compedale Ph1]infoproximal phalanx of the fingers, the proximal, or first bone, in the fingers when counting from the hand to the tip of the finger

kotsenben -et -

íncsont [os sesamoideum]infosesamoid, sesamoid bone, any of several small round bones formed in a tendon where it passes over a joint

månben -et -

félholdalakú csont · holdascsont [os lunatum, os carpi intermedium]infolunate bone, semilunar bone, a carpal bone in the hand

mellanben -et -

közti csont [os inter]infobone between

mellanhands- o. mellanfotsben -et -

kézközépcsont · lábközépcsont [autopodium, metapodium]infoautopodium consists, from proximal to distal, of three segments

mellankäksben -et -

felső állcsont [oss intermaxillare]infomaxilla, the jaw or jawbone, forms part of the nose and eye socket

metakarpalben -et -

kézközépcsont [os metacarpale]infometacarpal bone, located in between the phalanges of the fingers and the carpal bones of the wrist and creates the intermediate part of the skeletal hand

metatarsalben -et -

lábközépcsont · metatarzális csont [metatarsus, os metatarsale]infometatarsal bone, metatarsus, a group of five long bones in the foot, located between the tarsal bones of the hind- and mid-foot and the phalanges of the toes

nackben -et -

nyakszirtcsont [os occipitale]infooccipital bone, the most posterior cranial bone and the main bone of the occiput

okben -et - infokindknota, kindben, ok, okben

arccsont · járomcsont · pofacsont [os zygomaticum, zygoma]infozygoma, zygomatic bone, cheek bone, the bony arch of the cheek formed by connection of the zygomatic and temporal bones

öronben -et - infohörselben

hallócsont [ossiculum auditus, ossiculum auditorium, otosteon]infootosteon, any of the auditory ossicles

pungben -et -

erszénycsont [os marsupialis]infoepipubic bone, marsupial bone, paired bones articulating with the pubis and projecting cranially in the ventral body wall, present on the pelvic girdle

silben -et - infohorisontellt plattformigt ben bakom näsroten

rostacsont [os ethmoidale]infoethmoidal bone, a small unpaired bone, located in the midline of the anterior cranium - the superior aspect of the skull that encloses and protects the brain

småben -et -

hallócsontocska [otosteon, ossiculum auditus, ossiculum auditorium]infosmall bone, ossicle

suturben -et -

varratcsont [kis csontok a koponya varratjaiban és fontanellákban] [os suturale]infoWormian bones, abnormal ossicles that develop from extra ossification centers within the cranium

tårben -et -

könnycsont [dacryon, os lacrimale]infolacrimal bone,a small and fragile bone of the facial skeleton

tärningsben -et -

ékcsont · köbcsont [os cuboideum]infocuboid, a squat tarsal bone on the outer side of the foot, articulating with the heel bone and the fourth and fifth metatarsals

tinningben -et - infotinningsben

halántékcsont [os temporale]infotemporal bone, two major bones in the skull, or cranium

trapetsben -et - infotrapetslika benet

kis trapézcsont [os trapezoideum]infotrapezoid, a small carpal bone in the base of the hand, articulating with the metacarpal of the index finger

trynben -et -

ormánycsont [os rostri]infobone in the snout of pigs

tungben -et -

nyelvcsont [os hyoideum]infoos hyoideum, hyoid, hyoid bone, an U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue, supports the tongue muscles

xifoidben -et -

szegycsont kardnyúlványa [processus xiphoideus, xiphosternum]infoxiphoid process, the ensiform process, xiphisternum, metasternum