słownik Polsko-Angielski »

w w języku angielskim

w głównej mierze adverb

for the most part

w górę

uptoward the top


w górę adverb

away from earth’s surface

to a higher place

w gotowości

at the readyready; in a state of preparation or waiting; in position or anticipation

w grudniu po południu

when hell freezes over

w gruncie rzeczy adverb


w grupie zainteresowanych

in the loopinformed

w imię

in the name ofunder the excuse of

w imię Ojca i Syna, i Ducha Świętego

in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

w imieniu

in the name ofby the authority of

in the name ofunder the name of

in the name ofwith appeal to

on behalf ofspeaking or acting for

w imieniu prawa

in the name of the law

w istocie

in factactually, in truth

w istocie adverb

in effectadverb
for all practical purposes

modal: truly; in fact; actually

w jaki sposób

howthe manner or way in which

w jaki sposób?

how sowhy

w jakikolwiek sposób adverb

in any way, in any manner

w jedności siła

unity is strengthunity makes us become stronger

w każdej chwili

at the drop of a hatinstantly, without hesitation

w każdej chwili adverb

at any given momentadverb
at any point of time

w każdym calu

to the fingertips

w każdym razie

in any case

in any caseat any rate

w każdym żarcie jest ziarno prawdy

there's a grain of truth in every jokepeople convey truth in jokes

w kierunku

towardin the direction of

w kilku słowach

in shortas a summary

w końcu

after allanyway, in any case

at lastafter a long time; eventually

in the endeventually, finally

w końcu adverb

in the end


w konflikcie

at oddsin disagreement; conflicting

w kontakcie

in touchin contact, or in communication

w kraju ślepców jednooki jest królem

in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is kingIn the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

w kratkę noun



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