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tir w języku angielskim

partir verbe

run along◼◻◻(to leave)
[UK: rʌn ə.ˈlɒŋ] [US: ˈrən ə.ˈlɔːŋ]

partir preposition

on one's way(leaving)

partir à l'étranger verbe

go abroad◼◼◼verb
[UK: ɡəʊ ə.ˈbrɔːd] [US: ˈɡoʊ ə.ˈbrɔːd]

partir dans tous les sens verbe

spread oneself thin(to commit oneself to too many projects)

partir du mauvais pied verbe

start off on the wrong foot◼◼◼(begin badly)

partir en fumée verbe

go up in smoke◼◼◼(catch fire)
[UK: ɡəʊ ʌp ɪn sməʊk] [US: ˈɡoʊ ʌp ɪn smoʊk]

partir en mer verbe

set sail◼◼◼(to embark on a voyage by boat)
[UK: set seɪl] [US: ˈset ˈseɪl]

partir en randonnée verbe

hike [hiked, hiking, hikes]◼◼◼(to take a long walk for pleasure or exercise)
[UK: haɪk] [US: ˈhaɪk]

partir en reconnaissance verbe

scout [scouted, scouting, scouts]◼◼◼(to explore a wide terrain)
[UK: skaʊt] [US: ˈskaʊt]

partir s'installer verbe

move [moved, moving, moves]◼◼◼(to act; to take action)
[UK: muːv] [US: ˈmuːv]

tir de; endurer verbe

suffer [suffered, suffering, suffers](become worse)
[UK: ˈsʌ.fə(r)] [US: ˈsʌ.fər]

phtiriase nom

phthiriasis [phthiriases]◼◼◼(infestation with crab lice)
[UK: fθˌɪrɪˈɑːsiz] [US: fθˌɪrɪˈɑːsiz]

pince à sertir nom {f}

crimping tool◼◼◼noun

potiron [informally used interchangeably with "citrouille"] nom {m}

pumpkin [pumpkins]◼◼◼(fruit of this plant)
[UK: ˈpʌmpkɪn] [US: ˈpʌmpkən]
Wash the pumpkin and cut it into quarters. = Lavez et coupez le potiron en 4.

quand le vin est tiré

in for a penny, in for a pound◼◼◼(Expressing recognition that one must, having started something, see it through to its end, rather than stopping short thereof)
[UK: ɪn fɔː(r) ə ˈpe.ni ɪn fɔː(r) ə paʊnd] [US: ɪn ˈfɔːr ə ˈpe.ni ɪn ˈfɔːr ə ˈpaʊnd]

qui attire l'attention adjectif

conspicuous◼◼◼(noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive)
[UK: kən.ˈspɪ.kjʊəs] [US: kən.ˈspɪ.kjuːəs]

ralentir verbe

slow [slowed, slowing, slows]◼◼◼(to reduce the speed of)
[UK: sləʊ] [US: sˈloʊ]

slow down◼◼◻(to reduce speed)
[UK: sləʊ daʊn] [US: sˈloʊ ˈdaʊn]

decelerate [decelerated, decelerating, decelerates]◼◼◻(reduce the velocity of something)
[UK: ˌdiː.ˈse.lə.reɪt] [US: də.ˈse.lə.ˌret]

decelerate [decelerated, decelerating, decelerates]◼◼◻(to go slower)
[UK: ˌdiː.ˈse.lə.reɪt] [US: də.ˈse.lə.ˌret]

abate [abated, abating, abates]◼◻◻verb
[UK: ə.ˈbeɪt] [US: ə.ˈbeɪt]

répartir verbe

distribute [distributed, distributing, distributes]◼◼◼(to apportion)
[UK: dɪ.ˈstrɪ.bjuːt] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈstrɪ.bjuːt]
The chessboard has 64 squares, alternately light and dark, distributed over 8 rows and 8 columns. = L'échiquier comporte 64 cases, alternativement claires et sombres, réparties sur 8 lignes et 8 colonnes.

distribute [distributed, distributing, distributes]◼◼◼(to classify or separate into categories)
[UK: dɪ.ˈstrɪ.bjuːt] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈstrɪ.bjuːt]
The chessboard has 64 squares, alternately light and dark, distributed over 8 rows and 8 columns. = L'échiquier comporte 64 cases, alternativement claires et sombres, réparties sur 8 lignes et 8 colonnes.

distribute [distributed, distributing, distributes]◼◼◼(to scatter or spread)
[UK: dɪ.ˈstrɪ.bjuːt] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈstrɪ.bjuːt]
The chessboard has 64 squares, alternately light and dark, distributed over 8 rows and 8 columns. = L'échiquier comporte 64 cases, alternativement claires et sombres, réparties sur 8 lignes et 8 colonnes.

apportion [apportioned, apportioning, apportions]◼◼◼(to divide and distribute portions of a whole)
[UK: ə.ˈpɔːʃ.n̩] [US: ə.ˈpɔːr.ʃn̩]
International aid is not equitably apportioned. = L'aide internationale n'est pas équitablement répartie.

split◼◼◼(share out)
[UK: splɪt] [US: ˈsplɪt]
The teacher asked the students to split off into groups of two or three. = Le professeur a demandé aux élèves de se répartir en groupes de deux ou trois.

repentir verbe

repent [repented, repenting, repents]◼◼◼(to feel pain on account of, to remember with sorrow)
[UK: rɪ.ˈpent] [US: rə.ˈpent]
I repented. = Je me suis repenti.

repentir nom {m}

repentance◼◼◼(feeling of regret or remorse)
[UK: rɪ.ˈpen.təns] [US: rə.ˈpen.təns]

pentimento◼◻◻(presence of traces of a previous work in an artistic or literary work)
[UK: ˌpen.tə.ˈmen.təʊ] [US: ˌpen.tə.ˈmento.ʊ]

ressentir verbe

feel [felt, feeling, feels]◼◼◼verb
[UK: fiːl] [US: ˈfiːl]
I can't feel it. = Je ne le ressens pas.

ressortir verbe

stand out◼◼◼(be obvious in contrast to one's surroundings)
[UK: stænd ˈaʊt] [US: ˈstænd ˈaʊt]

untuck(remove from a hidden location)
[UK: ˈʌn.ˈtʌk] [US: ən.ˈtʌk]

retentir verbe

resound [resounded, resounding, resounds]◼◼◼(to echo or repeat (a sound))
[UK: rɪ.ˈzaʊnd] [US: ˌri.ˈsaʊnd]

retirer verbe

withdraw [withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdraws]◼◼◼(to draw or pull (something) aside, away, or back from its original position or situation)
[UK: wɪð.ˈdrɔː] [US: wɪð.ˈdrɔː]
We must withdraw. = Il nous faut nous retirer.

withdraw [withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdraws]◼◼◼(to extract (money) from a bank account or other financial deposit)
[UK: wɪð.ˈdrɔː] [US: wɪð.ˈdrɔː]
We must withdraw. = Il nous faut nous retirer.

withdraw [withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdraws]◼◼◼(to take away or take back (something previously given or permitted), see also: remove; retract)
[UK: wɪð.ˈdrɔː] [US: wɪð.ˈdrɔː]
We must withdraw. = Il nous faut nous retirer.

withdraw [withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdraws]◼◼◼verb
[UK: wɪð.ˈdrɔː] [US: wɪð.ˈdrɔː]
We must withdraw. = Il nous faut nous retirer.

pull [pulled, pulling, pulls]◼◼◻(remove (something) from circulation)
[UK: pʊl] [US: ˈpʊl]

take away◼◼◻(to remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it)
[UK: teɪk ə.ˈweɪ] [US: ˈteɪk ə.ˈweɪ]

dismiss [dismissed, dismissing, dismisses]◼◼◻(cricket: to get a batsman out)
[UK: dɪz.ˈmɪs] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈsmɪs]


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